
Approval Drawing

A drawing supplied by the plant for the prospective customer’s review and approval, prior to production, in order to assure compliance with the customer’s needs and expectations.


Pieces of fabric or other material sewn across each corner of a tubular or four – panel bag to improve a bag’s squareness, appearance, improve the stability of the load and to more efficiently utilize storage or shipping space.

Bag Height

Height dimension of an FIBC measured from the top seam to the bottom seam.

Belt Patch

A piece of fabric sewn either between the main fabric of the bag body and the Lift Belt, or on top of the Lift Belt, within the belt sewn portion, used to improve sift resistance and/or the safe working load (SWL).

Bias Strap or Tape

Made of multifilament yarns, (MFY), polyester or polypropylene, and used to tie inlet and outlet spouts. Also called a Web Tie or Tie Strap.

Body Fabric

Main Fabric used on the body of a u-panel, four panel or circular bag.

Bottom Fabric

The bottom material of a tubular or four panel bag.

Bottom Spout

Also called a Discharge Spout, used as an outlet to empty the contents of the FIBC.

Breathable Fabric/Bags

Uncoated or non-laminated fabric/bags.

Circular Woven Bag

Also called a tubular bag, it is made from fabric woven on a circular loom, which is then cut to the proper length for a specified bag height, thereby eliminating the vertical seams on each of the bag’s sides. 

Cone Top

A variation of an inlet, where the top is a pyramid-type to allow over filling of the bag.  Also called a Conical Top.

Coated Fabric/Bags

Fabric or bag which is coated/laminated with polypropylene (PP) to reduce moisture intrusion or sifting of the contents. Also called non-breathable or laminated fabric/bags.

Cord lock 

A closure device to hold the rope or cord in place on the spout – typically used on the discharge of bags. They come in a variety of sizes and eliminate the need for hand tied knots.


The weight of yarn in grams per 9,000 meters.

Discharge Spout

Also called a Bottom Spout, used as an outlet to empty the contents of the FIBC.

Document Pouch

Typically made of either polyethylene or polypropylene, it is where shipping or identifying documents are usually placed. Also called a Pocket or Envelope.

Drawstring Closure

A type of spout construction similar in purpose as to a petal closure, but with the loop/string along the circumference of the closure.

Duffel Top

A type of FIBC top, similar to a duffel bag whose inlet extends from the top seam and follows the bag’s base dimensions. Also known as a skirt top.

Extended Belt 

A type of FIBC construction where the webbing extends around the bottom of the FIBC. This construction is not applicable for U-panel FIBC’S.

Fabric Mesh 

The measure of the density of the fabric weave, measured as the number of yarns per inch in both the Warp and Weft directions. A typical construction is a 12×12 mesh.

Fabric Weight

The measure of the fabric weight in ounces per square yard or grams per 100 square centimeters. An example of a fabric weight is 6.5-ozs/sq. yd.


Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container

Fill Spout

Also called an inlet spout or top spout, used as the inlet for filling an FIBC. It is designed to fit the customer’s filling chute during loading.

Filler Cord

Typically, a polypropylene material used in manufacturing sift-resistant FIBC’S. A rope or braided yarn-like cord that is sewn into a seam to help prevent the escape of fine dusts and powders.

Form–Fitted Liner

Designed to take the exact shape of the FIBC. Form-Fit Liners will allow improved filling and complete discharging of product. Unlike a basic “tube liner”, Form-Fit Liners offer a flat top and bottom and incorporate a spout diameter and length to best compliment the FIBC’S fill and discharge spouts.

Full Open Discharge

A type of discharge whose outlet extends from the bottom seam and follows the bag’s base dimensions. Also called a Full Open Dump.


A fold and sew, or glue operation, which prevents fraying of cut fabric and will add lift strength and seam strength to each bag. This also provides a clean finish to the FIBC. It may be either towards the inside or outside of the bag. Hemming can be used to achieve desired FIBC dimensions.

Lay Flat Width

The width of tubular fabric if stretched or laid flat from edge to edge. A 14” diameter Fill spout would have a lay flat width of 22”

Loop Height

When laid flat the measurement from top of bag to apex of loop.

Main Fabric

U panel of a U panel style bag.


Multi-filament yarns used in the weaving of bias tape/straps and lift belts. May be constructed of polypropylene or polyester threads.

Multi-Trip FIBC’s

Bags designed in accordance with ISO 21898 for multiple trips.

Reinforced Section

Section of the FIBC where the lift belt is sewn onto the fabric. This section of fabric has additional Warp yarns, which contributes to the strength of the bag. It is also called a Tramline.

Remote Open Discharge (R.O.D.)

A type of outlet that has provisions for discharge of material without an operator reaching under the bag to open the spouts.

Safe Working Load

SWL is the amount of load, (in pounds or kilograms), which a bag is designed to carry.

Safety Factor

It is an industry standard requiring the FIBC to handle five or six times its Safe Working Load, (SWL), normally written as a ratio, “5:1 or 6:1 SF”.

Sanitary Flap

A bottom diaper that protects the entire bottom surface of the bag for cleanliness and wearing. May also be referred to as a protective bottom.


A sew line made by the attachment/assembly of two or more components.

Side Panel 

A fabric component of a sewn bag style of construction. This can be either two pieces attached to the U-Panel, or four pieces, which form the Four Panel bag.

Shelf-Life of FIBCs 

No data or test reports exist to determine the shelf life of an FIBC.  Numerous variables exist that can affect a stored FIBC, including; UV inhibitor used, construction (fabric weight, thread, webbing etc.), exposure to the environment, UV light or various temperatures and humidity levels, storage and handling methods.  The best method for determining if a FIBC remains suitable for use is to conduct periodic performance testing (top lift, UV, etc.) on samples and compare the results to the results from the newly manufactured samples from the same lot.  Samples should continue to meet industry standards such as those set forth in ISO 21898.  Maximum shelf life is achieved when storing FIBC out of direct sunlight.

Sift-Resistant Construction 

A type of an FIBC construction that provides resistance from product sifting when the bag is filled with very fine materials. Also referred to as “Sift ¬proof’ construction. This typically utilizes coated fabric and filler cord in the sew lines.

Single Trip Bag 

An FIBC designed in accordance with ISO 21898. For one-time use.

Spout Cover 

Also called a petal cover, it is a piece of fabric sewn between the spout and the petal closure used to hold in/protect the spout.

Spout Diameter

A dimension of the spout measured across the circular opening.

Spout Height 

Height dimension or length of the spout measured from its point of attachment on the top/bottom fabric to its free end.

Stevedore Strap

It is a belt connecting either two adjacent lift loops, or all four loops, used for single point lifting

Stitches per Inch

A sewing specification requiring “X” number of stitches per inch.

Top Fabric 

The top fabric used on a FIBC.

Tube Liner 

A liner with no spouts or contours, it is a straight cylinder, which may or may not have one end heat-sealed.

UV Stabilized

A feature of an FIBC fabric that provides protection from prolonged exposure to the sun’s degrading UV rays.  An additive that blended with the resin prior to extrusion of the yarns to provide this protection.


The size, or amount of material, an FIBC can hold. It is generally measured in Cubic Feet.


Yarn or tape in a fabric, oriented perpendicular to the Weft yarn during weaving. This would go from top to bottom in the body fabric. Also identified as the yarn in the “machine direction”.

Web Tie

Made of multifilament yarns, polyester or polypropylene and used to tie the inlets and outlets. Also called a Bias Strap, Tape, or Spout Ties.


Yarn or tape in a fabric, orientated perpendicular to the Warp yarn during weaving. This would go from left to right in the body fabric. This is identified as the yarns placed by the bobbins of the looms.


Extruded PP sheet slit and stretched to form part of the woven fabric for the FIBC.

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